How to Understand the Importance of a Social Media Marketing Funnel
You can create awareness and move their ideal prospects from strangers to happy clients who become raving fans
⬇⬇⬇Posted by Ask Coach Donna Social Media Coach & Intuitive on Thursday, May 31, 2018
I’ve put together a hypothetical ‘Case Study’ to help better understand social media and content marketing efforts using a social media marketing funnel done right.
Boombiz Corp (imaginary) is a company that sells boomboxes and they’ve discovered social media and content marketing and are beginning to understand the efforts and the steps involved in growing their online business.
Because, their first thought and main concern was the success of that business online and getting their business noticed, they wanted to build an online identity for their brand while marketing and promoting their business.
Powerful success lessons they’ve learned with their new strategy…
How to apply social media to marketing through their social media marketing funnel: Click & Tweet!
- By using several opportunities for driving traffic like YouTube traffic and content from other social media sharing.
Want to find out more about how this Facebook organic marketing works?
Think for a moment about what that means.
- BoomBiz Corp has learned how to create awareness and move their ideal prospects from strangers to happy clients who become raving fans.
What did they do to get their social media marketing funnel in place and build a system around it?
They understood that most people don’t just land on a blog/website, or even click a link, and buy something the very first time they visit.
BoomBiz Corp discovered that marketing is about communication, helping an audience see a problem that could easily be solved by what they (the marketer) offers.
Step by step they built their social media marketing funnel.
- Their funnel had steps that helped their prospective clients and site visitors become aware that they existed.
- Taking them on a journey to the time they actually buy something.
So what happens in a social media marketing funnel?
Because they knew that most of their site’s visitors would just visit and leave…
BoomBiz Corp created a process that would bring traffic to their site and then guide their visitors through their funnel.
Here’s an example of how a typical site visitor came to their site and went through their funnel.
Just like this…
BoomBiz Corp set off building awareness by researching and planning the different ways that people could become aware of their brand.
Their site visitors may first learn about them from sharing posts, articles, and content on social media.
BoomBiz Corp started to understand social media and content marketing and began putting out their best content to help their site get traffic through awareness.
They did this because they now knew their content could grow faster and go farther on social media.
Next, they started to focus on growing a community of people who had shown an interest in what they had to say.
Social media, well is ‘social’, and actually is about building and connecting with your community as you’re growing relationships within your community.
This was their audience and their site visitors.
They found that taking control of their power in the type of content they shared was important for them to get more engagement and more reach on their social networks.
- This meant that they were also meshing their branding with authentic relationship building.
- They were connecting and becoming more personable with their audience. Sharing their story through strategic messaging.
Building their social media marketing funnel helped get a better understanding of what they needed to do on a regular basis.
BoomBiz Corp now knows that great content is the important motivation for a person to join their community.
- So they wanted to make their content so valuable that their audience would want to keep receiving their awesome valuable content that was shared on a regular basis through their system.
BoomBiz Corp posted a great article in all of their social media communities about their free and valuable opt-in offer – consistently.
Their opt-in offer was an ebook about how and why boomboxes can offer a great way to have more autonomous learning and grow more independent through music. Sharing resources like Bluetooth wireless technology that could allow their audience to play music and CD’s easier and more quickly.
They titled their free opt-in gift “How to Create a Simple Sound System Step by Step” and their post captured a targeted audience at the very top of the funnel.
While this community of prospective clients may not even be thinking about how to create their sound system to help them grow through music and CD’s, BoomBiz Corp has their attention now and knows they want more of this type of information to guide them through the funnel.
The post and content was shared by their community and followers which led to an increase in their social media followers and visitors to their online site.
Do you see the value here?
- Inspire social sharing – They understood that their own community had their own network of followers that could attract to more possibilities of growing their community, traffic, and email lists.
- Of course, BoomBiz Corp encouraged their community to share and they joined online groups to help their information get more attention.
The opt-ins they shared have now started their email marketing with a “BANG”!
In each stage of their funnel, BoomBiz Corp learned to understand social media and content marketing was not enough to get someone into their community and stay on.
They wanted raving fans that would turn into buyers!
A system to nurture their audience and nudge them toward the next stage in the funnel was put into action.
How did they do that?
- They routinely created valuable content;
- Kept their community engaged by responding to comments and thanking them for ‘likes’ and shares;
- Promoted their posts and free opt-in offer (organically);
- All to help their audience continue to move down their funnel – where they would be offered free gifts and items to purchase.
Now they had a growing online community.
Their next step was turning them into new and returning clients!
Of course…
Their email marketing now had a list of subscribers that they could send regular targeted training and promotional information to and help them further down their funnel.
But here’s the best news…
Each new contact at the beginning of their funnel was really the first ‘transaction’ with a new prospect.
BoomBiz Corp was giving (trading) with their audience something of great value (interesting content) for their email information.
Now the goal of this type of funnel is to successfully turn a member of your community, a follower, into a new client, and raving fan for your business.
Then retain that client’s interest and get them to buy again!
What about you?
How could you be, or are already using a funnel? How is it working for you?
Using a marketing funnel like this is a system that turns your prospects into customers and is vital for anyone who is serious about social media marketing.
- You’ll be ‘social’ as you’re nurturing relationships
- Offering them what they want
- AND…how they want to receive it from you
So that in the end …
You’ll be putting your audience at the center of your marketing world.
BoomBiz learned that their efforts would be to create a true win-win for them and their own funnel system.
Your social media marketing funnel allows you to be more relevant to your audience. Relevance being one of the most important drivers of success on Facebook. Facebook is something we continue to learn, relearn, and implement – I invite you to…
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I never looked at it like this before. This is helpful to understand how it all works.
Very information and I love the visual
Athena recently posted..Classroom Friendly Supplies Pencil Sharpener – Now Available in Purple! @QuietSharpeners
This is a great visual for how and why we do the things we do when we work in social media.
This is so well explained. I need to pass this on to a couple companies I work with who don’t understand the concept of the social media marketing funnel. Thanks.
KatyRose recently posted..How To Protect Your Skin in the Cold
Thank you, KatyRose – great to hear
Over the past few months I have gained a considerable understanding on how building a social media community can help you in all areas of your business. I know a few companies who could really benefit from this information.
Thank you, Bri – glad to hear that and I hope to hear more about how I can be of help 🙂
So interesting to look at it this way. I never thought of a social media marketing funnel but it definitely makes a lot of sense.
Lois Mark recently posted..macy’s celebrates 10 years of the rwanda path to peace initiative
I had never heard of the social media marketing funnel, but it really does make sense. I can definitely recognize the correlation and can apply some of these concepts to my own blog.
Jessica Harlow recently posted..Got a project? This multi-purpose waist apron makes it easier!
This is great information not only for myself as a blogger, but also as a VA to pass along to my clients! Social media is the future, and its important to understand its massive impact!
Rose recently posted..How I’ve Failed Our Budget
Thank you, Rose – I hope to hear back from you as to how it has helped your clients! 🙂
I never thought about it in terms of a funnel. This graph really accurately describes the way to get sales done!
Stacey- Travel Blogger recently posted..Fanta Freaky Foto Booth – Free Halloween Photo Fun
I have never heard of the Social Media Marketing Funnel, but it looks and sounds like some great tips and ideas. I am going to have to use some of these concepts on my blog.
Tonya C recently posted..Make a Halloween BOO Basket for your Dog!
I need to take a good hard look at the social media funnel. I have heard of the marketing funnel but never social media.
Carol Bryant recently posted..The World’s First Dog GPS Collar Without Fees #NuzzleSmartCollar
This was a good explanation of social media funnels and why they are important. It will help small businesses understand and grow.
Janeane Davis recently posted..Want a Happy Family – Remember the Good Times
I have been blogging for three years and still don’t really know my audience. I do know social media helps attract them to come visit. I appreciate it as a tool.
This is a good way to look at what bloggers do every day. Thanks for sharing
Laura Funk recently posted..Mothers’ Milk Bank Relocates #SaveMoreBabies
This is a great way to understand how and why we do the things, when working in social media. Love it!
Claudia Krusch recently posted..My Latest Event Periscope – Social Media Thoughts
This is a lot of great information and a good resource for those of us in social media and content creation. Thank you!
JanetGoingCrazy recently posted..Halloween Art Print {free printable}
Thank you, Janet!
Oh wow! It is so much easier to understand since you put it like this..thank you!
Such a wonderful tips, before I used email to improve my business, i have afriend who is an entrpenuer I think this is perfect for her too.
Onica (mommy factor ) recently posted..Taste Testing Chuck E. Cheese’s Thin & Crispy Pepperoni Pizza
Thank you Onica – I look forward to hearing more
These are such great tips. The funnel graphic really made it clear to me.
What I took to heart was that it takes steps to get to the sales. You, as the business, have to build a relationship first. Few take risks on products they’re unfamiliar with.
Crystal recently posted..No Sick Days for Mom
Perfect synopsis, Crystal – thank you
What a great tips! This is what I need to improve, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
Nicole Escat recently posted..How to apply blush based on your face shape
That’s fabulous to hear, Nicole 🙂 Thank you for stopping by.
Great tips! Thanks so much for posting. I still have so many things to learn and work on.
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I do love a good visual aid! This is a great illustration of how things come together to feed into a central goal – you could even turn it upside down and have a pyramid.
Jaime Nicole recently posted..Every Day is National Dog Day
Great points and thank you – Jaime –
I am still learning all this about blogging. I have yet to try an email. I have heard of people creating a blog for people to sign up to get updates on their blog. As that something you would advise?
Yes, Sandy – thank you for asking – Asking people to sign up to get your new blog posts and even content updates – that’s what you can offer to help your audience to sign up for your email list
This does sound like a great approach for drawing in an audience that keeps coming back for more. I find this really helpful!
Liz Mays recently posted..Get Your Discover Card Apple Pay Connected!
Thank you for the valuable information and tips. I’ve been working on my own social media sites to improve on them.
Terri Beavers recently posted..How Would You Use Your Burlap Roll #RichcraftProducts
I’m always striving to keep up-to-date on social media improvements and this makes perfect sense. I’ve been working hard to make my social media more of a community and I love how you explained the funneling concept.
Alli Smith recently posted..Aroma Sense Shower Head Giveaway
This is SO important! I really need to work on email marketing, thats one of my main monthly goals! Thanks for sharing!!
xo Adriana – Daily Dose of Design
Adriana recently posted..My All American: The Movie + A $25 Gift Card Giveaway and More!
I love how you broke this all down and made it so simple to understand. It’s much easier to utilize something to benefit your business when the way it works is clear to you.
Dina Demarest recently posted..7 Reasons a Vacation to Turks and Caicos is in order! #ad @beachesresorts @adamstewart #hponthesand #smots #myprintly
I have heard of the funnel but because I was never selling anything I never really took the time to familiarize myself with the concept. Now that I am looking at opening an online boutique this information is invaluable to me. You made this very easy to understand, will be implementing this tips in the near future.
Mimi recently posted..fall layers + heirlooms
Great to hear and thanks for your comment, Mimi
The social media marketing funnel is a great way for any business to grow. It is so important to build the views up to becoming customers. This is great information for anyone that wants to build there business.
Thanks for posting. I’m always on the look out for new ways to understand Social Media Marketing. WOnderful graph, with the funnel. It was easy to understand where we should be putting our focus. Also enjoyed reading your viewers comments, learned a lot there as well.
Brooke recently posted..A Clever Pour – Quick Tip Friday
Of course I am grateful! Thank you for your nice thoughts and glad I could be of help1
Thank you for sharing this information. I’ve always wondered about Social media marketing. So much to learn..
I had never considered a sales funnel through social media, this is such an incredible idea! I am going to start working on this! Thanks for sharing!
I haven’t heard of that term before. It totally makes sense. I love how you broke it down into easy to understand terms 🙂
Thank you, Relchel – glad you stopped by and enjoyed my post 🙂
Looking at your funnel graphic, I have gone through the awareness and community levels, and then it stops right at email marketing. That is something I have not made attempts to strengthen yet.
Yona Williams recently posted..7 Upcycled Gift Ideas Made Out of Bike Chains
Great info and advice. I need help with my social media. 🙂 Thanks for sharing such a great post.
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Very good info to know. I need to start apply this to my website.
This makes a lot of sense! I have been growing my social media, and need to learn how to monetize it better. Thanks for the info!
Glad to hear that this was helpful for you, Andrea – thank you
This is really helpful! I’m currently trying to better understand sales funnels and email marking so this has been a great place to start.
Thanks, Nellwyn – glad to hear that!
This is so helpful. I will keep it in mind!
There really are a lot of things that social media can do. I think it’s one of the best ways to market your business and gain potential customers. This is a very insightful post.
This is noteworthy. I am always eager to know more about social media. It is broad and it can really help me a lot in reaching out to more readers of my blog.
Thank you, Sarah – social media is about being social and building our business, also – just like networking offline
I love how you mentioned the importance of building your community. I think a lot of marketers forget that you need to crawl, walk, and run when you’re building loyalty.
I wish it were as easy as it reads and it probably is but the main ingredient is missing and that is time. But that’s just my opinion as I wan’t everything to happen right now…
Well – Richard
It is all a part of growing your business and putting yourself into systems – learning the best way to do automatic posting and all that for me is getting a coach to help me get it done. Thanks for your great comment 🙂
Thank you for sharing this. It made me acquire more knowledge about social media marketing. I really need this especially now that I work online.
What a brilliant post! This is a good point. Very interesting. Fantastic!
I have been hearing a lot about this funneling and have been wanting to learn more. Thank you for sharing this.
Social media can be such a big benefit if it takes. It’s awesome that you’re helping others understand how it works to keep people wanting to come back.
Clear as crystal in terms of marketing strategy. Email marketing sometimes go directly to spam or junk folder.
This is great I have learnt so much with this post today, there are some things I didn’y know about, thank you so much for this tips.
Oooo so much valuable info here!!!! I will start to apply some of this to my business
Being a blogger I can totally relate to all you said. Using social media the right way can lead to great success.
xx, Kusum |
It’s amazing how important social media is now. I’ve never heard of a marketing funnel like this but it definitely makes sense and sounds useful! One thing I can say for sure is that if it isn’t done right, the whole thing can be confusing and overwhelming!
Very informative. You learn something everyday!
Those look like very interesting marketing tactics. This course looks like a good investment, and extremely beneficial to a business-person!
This is kind a difficult without influencers, do not forget. The influencers have the power to shoot and make videos of experiences, even a small write-up of a certain product, process or company.
Thanks so much for sharing this. You here the term “funnel” so often, but for those of use who lack the marketing background, the idea can be confusing. This really helps to clear things up.
Glad to hear that, Wendy 🙂
This was a good explanation of social media funnels and why they are important. It will help small businesses understand and grow.
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Understanding the whole process is really important. Many people don’t understand how funnels work as well as the importance of creating one for your asset.
This article has a lot of great info and will be really valuable for anyone who wants to know more about funnels and how the whole process works.
Thank you so much, Stephen – I am grateful that you took the time to read and comment 🙂
A good overview of social networks and their benefits was provided in this article. The article will be a great resource for small businesses.
pagebuilderspro recently posted..Digital Marketing Funnel Comprehensive Guide: What Is It & Why You Need It?
Thank you so much – I do appreciate your comment and look forward to seeing you here often… Coach Donna
Thank you so very much, Pagebuilderspro! Hope to see you here again! 🙂 Coach Donna