Email List Building Marketing

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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Email List Building Marketing is one of your best online promotional tactics.

Do I need to repeat that? Just read that first line again!!

You can use email marketing to stay in touch with your clients. You can easily create high-impact emails that are as professional as your business (check out the email templates you get when you use AWeber). With email marketing you can promote specials, make announcements, educate your customers and build long lasting relationships.

But how do you get prospective clients to your blog or website to begin with?
Check these products out – some are free and some are extremely ‘cheap’ but, don’t
let ‘cheap’ fool you – they are each loaded with extremely valuable learning tools!!
So take advantage of each – grow and be your best success story…

Now for a Technology Tip reminder: Read more

Beginner’s Guide to Business Systems – Making It Easy to Succeed

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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There must be some reason that when I mention business systems, you might think of computers storing and process data, like a ‘point of sale’ system for retail stores. That’s what many small business owners picture. And they think these type of systems aren’t for them..

Well, that type of system may or may not be for your business. But, a business system isn’t just hardware or software. It’s the way that you do any part of your business. It’s how you do things. You may not be aware of using systems, or you just may not using them efficiently.

Your own business support system typically is a disciplined, regular procedure or process running your business operations.

As an example: Read more

Two Ways Writing Articles Puts a Sales Agent To Work for You

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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I have always been impressed by how the Internet Marketing Gurus continue to write articles for online exposure.

And that is why Article Marketing needs to be a part of your marketing strategy.

Many people feel they are just not good at writing and that can hold you up for a long time. But, you will need to change that type of thinking if you are planning on building an online business! As a business coach, I decided I needed to learn how to take advantage of this and get my ‘sales agents’ out there working for me A.S.A.P.

What will writing articles do?

  • Make you a published writer – Wow! I was so excited and my family impressed by that little fact. Of course, it is a big deal for someone like me that always wanted to be a published writer! And, what seems difficult to my family and friends, really is very simple for me, now. Now that my own business coaches convinced me, that is!
  • Writing articles will get the ‘word’ out about you and your business – as an entrepreneur and small business owner or just starting an internet business
  • Reach targeted buyers online, bringing in organic traffic (not paid for traffic)
  • It is a self promotion method that takes little time to accomplish Read more

Article Marketing and Your Target Market – Builds Your Contacts

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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As you already know, especially is you have signed up for my Building Your Email List Mini-Course
(Sign up at the top right hand corner of my web), people (your Target Market) use different words when they search online. These search terms are called keywords.

Keyword Research tools assist in discovering topics that people are currently searching for that are related to your market product or service. You would use these keywords in the articles you write, each day, that are each 250-500 words, relating to the topics your prospective market is searching for. Provide articles that
answer the readers’ questions in their searches.

Example: “Dog Training” when entered into Google Suggest
tells me that I should write articles about
“Dog Training Secrets” or “Dog Training New Jersey”.

And, of course, we all know that building our list is building our market contacts; rather we are a brick and mortar business, or an online marketer selling our own products and affiliate products.

Key Insight: My Coach, Connie Green, has taught me that the most popular topics, have the most competition within the search engines–meaning, that you will be fighting against hundreds or thousands of competitors to get the attention of the market to your article. This course, by Connie Green, will help you quickly:
To Write Effective Articles Quickly And Easily To Reach An Unlimited Number Of Highly Qualified Prospects Read more

Content, content, content. Content makes the web go round.

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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From the moment you begin researching ways to make money online, you hear WRITING, WRITING, and MORE WRITING, over and over again.

One of the hottest ways to make money online is through the power of blogging and article marketing.

You need great, informative, content.

But, first, you need to know why content so important on the Internet and especially your blog and article marketing.

Why is Content Crucial?

Here are a few strategic reasons…