How to Break Through the Wilderness of Social Media Marketing

how to break through - best to use for postI’ve enjoyed my journey through the wilderness of social media marketing, because I have an end goal.

To drive powerfully relevant traffic, build relationships, attract more email leads to build my list, and generate revenue.

But that’s just part of the story…

I started blogging in 2009. Within months I knew I was hungry for more social media.

– So I started to put together my own Social Media Content Marketing Plan as a system to guide me to reach my goals and successes.

  • I also learned that I had to separate myself from the crowd by being unique. You can learn a bit more about my personal journey at Coach Donna’s Story

These ideas will hopefully help you get more from your social media marketing and blogging but there’s always more to learn that can be applied as well.

There no doubt about it.

We all know that social media is huge for bloggers and marketers who want to increase sales, brand visibility, and community around their products.

Helping them more easily start conversations with their target audiences online.

How do successful online marketers hike their way through the wilderness in social media marketing?

Simply stated

      • They learned how to use social media for business. Implementing the strategies that they learned along the way.

   What strategies would help you in social media?

You can start by recognizing the basics of social media and break down the marketing pieces to get you started on your own strategy.

      • Moving you into a position for success!

As a blogger, business, and marketer…

Social media is your key for authentic engagement with your community, directly driving awareness and traffic to your sites.

You’re marketing your business and blog through interaction and content sharing.

And that’s the central point for social media and blogging.

Consistently communicating your value, expertise, energy, experience, and personality.

But what’s the first step?

#1. Create Your Strategic Social Media and Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is you producing and sharing exceptionally useful content with your community.

In my experience social media can be used to…

  • Build relationships with your brand as your community sees you’re trying to help them instead of just pushing your products out there.
  • Gain that great know-like-trust factor by building your brand’s reputation as a thought leader in your field.
  • Increase your traffic through higher SEO rankings, inbound links, and social shares.
  • Educate and empower future and current clients who will become your ‘raving fans’ and want more.
  • Have more opportunities to engage with your ideal audience as they look for way to educate themselves about their next purchases.

#2 Build Those Relationships

Building relationships is the common thread that blends your social media and blogging activities altogether.

Here’s why:

Social interaction helps you understand what would be valuable and useful content for your community. Because you’ll…

  • Listen to what your target audience is talking about and engage in those conversations.
  • Invest time in building relationships by continuing chats and discussions.
  • Remember that quality is more valuable than quantity in your online relationships.

#3 Continually Evaluate Your Online Presence

Make sure that your profiles are working for you.

Get the most out of your profiles. Consider your first point of contact with your target audience.

  • Profiles on social media sites can be indexed by search engines — one more way to make sure you’re found when someone is searching for a solution to a problem.
  •  Know what keywords they’ll use in their searches.
  •  Another reason to know your niche and your solutions!

Make sure your social media presence enhances and promotes your brand.

You can evaluate your online presence by going to the Online ID Calculator.

#4 Finding Your Social Media and Blogging

Voice Building a strong brand voice to communicate your story means that…

You need to become more real with your audience. You could do that by:

Discovering your purpose.

So that you can find how to build the know, like, and trust factors within your community.

– Maybe you’ll engage and gain a better understanding of your ideal clients.

  • Recognizing the strategies and tactics that you’ll use in social media and blogging to reach prospective and current clients online.
  • Knowing your intention. What do you want people to do with the information you’re giving them?
  • Finding your voice from all of this information could help you become more familiar with what you want to say and how to say it.

 One more thing If you’re driven to get more from your social media and bogging

Click Here to Get Donna’ Free Savvy Blogging Kit


Donna Ward
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17 thoughts on “How to Break Through the Wilderness of Social Media Marketing

  • November 25, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    Social media marketing is a beast and it sells you. You have to have a plan if you don’t….you will go nowhere fast. I always tell my clients that we have to have a plan because most don’t and they are all over the place. Great article

    • November 25, 2015 at 12:40 pm

      Thank you Kita – it does sell for you when you know how to use your plan!

  • November 25, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    These are great trips! As much as blogging is a solo adventure from the comfort of your own home behind a computer, the relationships that exist online are very important for growing and expanding your blog. Its more then just about the writing. Its making yourself known!

    • November 25, 2015 at 3:10 pm

      That is exactly right, Jennifer – visibility starts to build and credibility follows as we take the moments for building relationships 🙂

    • November 25, 2015 at 3:09 pm

      Thank you Stefanie – Glad for your comment

  • November 25, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    I would get so overwhelmed doing social media marketing for a brand or a company. I thought about applying for jobs that way, because I personally think I’ve done well for myself on social media. But then explaining it to someone/a boss, would make no sense. I’m a terrible explainer by nature. I’m just a do-er! I need to read more of your site, I think. 🙂

    • November 25, 2015 at 3:20 pm

      Thank you Nancy, I would love to chat and hear more about what you know and how you use social media marketing – and that would be awesome to have you read more of my site – 🙂

  • November 25, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    Social media is definitely a unique ‘beast’. No longer can you just toss something out there whether on your site or a channel and expect people to just jump where you want them to go. I need to do more to develop a plan on social marketing beyond putting things out on the different channels and hoping for the best.

  • November 25, 2015 at 11:14 pm

    It is really true that your brand can easily drown down the sea of websites on the Internet. This is the main reason you need to use social media to get a hold of your market. Your tips are awesome and all these are already my practice.

    • November 26, 2015 at 10:16 am

      Thanks Miles – It’s great to hear you ‘got’ this and are taking care of it!

  • November 26, 2015 at 3:09 pm

    These are really great tips that could help absolutely anyone! I absolutely agree with the ‘build relationships’ pointer too. Besides, proper ‘networking’ can really help boost one’s marketing effort!

  • November 27, 2015 at 10:14 am

    Social media marketing can truly be a jungle! These are some good tips on what is really important and how to network to success.

  • November 27, 2015 at 10:37 am

    Donna ~ Thanks for an excellent overview of how to tame the social media beast.Being in action is tempting, rather than taking time to plan. As you advise, it pays off to understand your purpose, know your intention and have an end goal in mind. I find that tracking metrics can help to focus on what’s working and what’s not in reaching my goals.

    • November 27, 2015 at 4:19 pm

      Thank you, Amy- Yes, tracking your metrics – analytics and ROI – is extremely important in helping you see what you are doing well and where to improve to help reach those goals!

  • November 28, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    This is fantastic! Social media is so important to all bloggers. It can bring you more readers, solidify your relationships with brands and really put you out in the forefront of your niche!

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