What is a social media power user?
Blogs, content marketing, and social media are giving us so many opportunities to share ideas.
Think about this…
The phrase ‘feeding the content monster’ is right on target…
Because, everyone is publishing online content, and the people who engage with the content are also the ones who create it.
It’s time you became more empowered in 2017!
In my experience…
A social media power user takes bold action to get more followers at a much higher rate than the average user. Growing a community that interacts and engages.
You can grow into a much more powerful user on social media with a few of these tactics…
- Engage more often.
- Power users are about building relationships. Building a community around their service or product.
- Write and share ‘good stuff’ and…
- Sharing content multiple times to reach those who missed it the first time around. Changing the headline, the image, different parts of within the content.
- Have a plan for sharing content – get an idea from this simple and great content sharing schedule.
- Pay attention to growing a higher Klout.com score – helping you to recognize what you’re doing that works and how to improve.
By the way…
‘How many times can you reshare? A Wisemetrics study found that, on average, the second tweet gets 86% as much performance as the first one, and even after 6 repetitions, you’re still at 67% of the first tweet.’ blog.bufferapp
…’By repeat we don’t mean “copy-paste” of the same tweet. It’s against Twitter policy. Repeating a tweet needs a bit of human editing, would it be for a different wording, or emphasizing a different part of your news. Thus we had to start by devising an algorithm which could identify for 2 tweets if they talk about the same news een if they are not identical copies. It performs very well, with 90% precision thus giving us the ability to scan through tweets and automatically identify those which are repeats.’ http://www.wiselytics.com
Did you know?
Less than 11% of people on social media are power users.
Let’s talk about taking some bold action steps to become more influential as a power user on social media.
Tip #1 Develop Your Powerful Social Messaging Strategy
Growing communities and building relationships of value with your ideal audience is a fabulous goal!
No doubt about it…
It’s not about you.
You’re the expert that understands their problems and what they’re struggling with. It is about sharing a power message that lets your audience know you have skills and are knowledgeable in ways that interest them.
In other words, you’ve put them in the center of your content, because your content needs to be fashioned around your audience and their needs.
Answer this now…
If you were your ideal audience reading your blog, or other content, what would your impression be?
- How would it feel?
- What 3 things stood out to you?
No one talks about boring content.
Make 2017 the year you give people a reason to talk about you.
Can you name 3 benefits your content has for your audience?
Go ahead and answer these questions…
- What are the top three benefits you’re offering to your audience?
- Would anyone tell a friend about your content, and why?
Tip #2 Word of mouth is sharing.
You have to make it happen.
The message you’ve chosen to write about will be simple and easy to share.
- Help your audience and others share it through your great online system called: word of mouth.
Word of mouth is very effective online, because this is where your content and brand gain more visibility and authority as you’re being seen more often.
Once you’ve got your simple and easy message to share, learn some top ways to make it easier to extend your reach with more word or mouth activities!
Put your content message into motion as another step to becoming a social media power user in 2017.
But this is just the start of your goals…
What are you doing to become your own type of social media power user for 2017?
There really is no better way to get the best results on Facebook in 2017 than by joining the 10 Day Facebook Get-it-Done Challenge! I believe the best part of taking part of this challenge – how motivated you will become.
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This past year has been a growing year and I have found that to be successful as a blogger you really need to look at it as a full time job and not a hobby. I have been looking at the blogs that I am interested in and I follow their leads. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but giving up isn’t an option either. Great tips Donna 🙂
Thank you Heather – and I love your statement, sounds like you have a plan 🙂
This is a great overview of what makes someone a social media power user. I’ve been trying to grow my following for a long time now. Although it takes time, the effort is worth it, because I have found that when I share useful, relevant content, my following organically grows! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful social media tips!
Thanks for your article it has some great tips…I’m definately not a power user yet but it’s a goal I now have. I’ll be implementing your tips and try give them comething to talk about!!
That’s great to hear, Candice! Yes, let’s all do it – ‘Give them something to talk about!’ 🙂
Being able to realize what your readers and followers want is the perfect way to harness the power of social media to help boost your business. It’s also important to realize what people want on different forms of social media as well.
I definitely want to become more of a social media power user in 2016! My definition of a happy audience is one that can connect to me and find value in my site 😀 I am still working on building a large and loyal following and I think I will focus on making my site more personable in the new year!
Sounds great, Chanel – and thank you for sharing – I hope to hear more about your successes! 🙂
Creating profiles and accounts on social media is just the icing on top of the cake. There’s more to learn about them and this includes how to grow the traffic and the network. So many analytics and tools have to be utilized to further enrich the usage and the impact it will have on the business.
Hey Roch – You are right on with what you’ve said here – it is continually growing and learning – and implementing!
I want to start getting off of social media for 2016 actually I think I spent the past two years on it and hiding behind it that it’s time to get out into the community and actually talk to people and pass out business cards. Great tips though and I won’t be leaving social media anytime soon
Thank you, Kita – I agree with you wanting to get out in the offline community. Because we can get a new and different perspective
This was a very interesting and helpful post for me to read as I am not a social media power user at this time. I have been giving a lot of thought to what I can do to help my audiences and share information they can use instead of just sharing photos and experiences.
I am better on certain platforms than others for sure. I just don’t have time to be a power user on them all.
I have been using social media for awhile now and this has been my best year. I am still struggling with Google plus, but I am hopeful that I will get there soon. I hope to grow a lot in 2016, by being picky about what I post and hoping to engage readers more.
Thank you Emma – It does take awhile to ‘get it’ on social media – and glad to hear your 2016 goals! 🙂
I would be lost without social media. I am literally on it all day long 🙂
I get that Robin – As I am also always on social media!
So true that no one talks about boring content. You really have to hook people!
Although I admittedly don’t understand SEO AT ALL I think I get my messages across. I try to do what I would like to read. I keep my book reviews short and to the point. I give my opinion but then give links so others can make their own decision. If I am creating the rafflecopter–it will be short and easy. Heck–why would I ask anyone to do something I am not willing to do myself. And I have lots of other giveaways from others for those that don’t mind. I sometimes will write a blog post about something happening or something that has grabbed my attention. Having said all that–there is always room to learn more!!
Thank you Michele, It certainly sounds like you know what to do to get your audience involved! And, yes – that’s also the challenge and fun part – learning more and more 🙂
These are really helpful guidelines. I like that first tip. Asking myself those questions is a great way to improve my content.
No I am not a power user, but I really should be!
Posting frequent and responding to all is what I try to do. Being authentic as well
There is so much power in Social Media. I try to make sure i am reachable to my clients. This is great information.
Great items to keep in mind to make it a great social media year next year! Community building is so important
I am nowhere near a power user on social media. I’d love to be, but I think you have to have a certain amount of time to really dedicate to it, and I just don’t have that right now. I hope to grow in that area sometime in the future though.
This is one of my goals for 2016, to become a social media power user. I love your tips.
These are all great tips, Donna. There is a ton of information in here that would benefit new and seasoned bloggers. Thanks for sharing. Let’s all hope for a better 2016!
Thank you so much, Annemarie – and Happy New Year!
I could live without some social media, but facebook seems to be my sad addiction. I don’t know how I’d live without it now.
Great and awesome post. Thank you for the tips. I want to be a social media power user this coming 2016. Thank you so much 🙂
Thank you, Onica – Look forward to hearing about that! 🙂
Great tips! I have found that sharing from others increases my shares as well. Social media is give and take.
So true, Heather – thank you 🙂
This is a good idea. I always think about my audience before creating a blog entry.
I agree it is important to cater to your audience and give them what they’re hoping to find. I could stand to do a bit more of that, definitely.
I need to work on my social media presence in 2016. This is a great list to get me started.
Thank you for sharing, Janelle – I hope to hear more of what you do
This is amazing information. I’ve been trying for a couple years to grow my audience and from reading this I can tell you I’ve been going about it the wrong way.
Social media is definitely the gateway to all things good for entrepreneurs. It has played a big part in growing my brand.
I have some big goals for 2016~ I love all the tidbits of information that you have here. I am definitely going to be bookmarking this page.
Thank you Mary 🙂 Would enjoy hearing more about your big goals!
The term power user always seems to mean different things to different people. I think the first step is to determine how a person interprets the meaning and determines what their own goals are.
I love the idea of becoming a student of how. This is what I am planning to do in 2016.
Excellent plan, Kelly – Thanks for sharing –
There is so much to learn about social media. It really could be a full-time job. Thanks for the great tips.
Networking and growing my social media engagement numbers is definitely on my list of goals for 2016. It’s something I’m always working on and this year has moved to the top of the list.
These are all great tips. I need to pay more attention to the way I use social media in 2016, and this will be very helpful.
Great tips to bring it on in 2016!
I definitely have to become more active with my fans/followers on all forms of social media. Being ‘too busy’ is no longer acceptable.
Great tips, especially for going into a new year! Here’s to some serious social success in 2016.
Thanks, Cathy – Let’s plan and get the ‘big’ successes for 2016!
I also need to focus more on social media. Clearly the readers crave it and my goal is to reach my readers.
Great article, love your tips! I think being active with my community is a must do for any social media manager or blogger!
I feel like I am gaining on the power influencer aspect. Truly takes a lot of work and focus. I need to work even harder if I really want to see a return on this business though.
That’s great to hear, Laura – and yes it’s very time consuming and takes the right kind of focus – That why businesses hire people like me – to help with their digital marketing.
I’m asking myself those three questions and shaking my head. My blog has become too product, not people-oriented and I’ve known it for awhile.
This post is actually essential for anybody that wants to become a successful blogger. There are some awesome tips here. Thank you for sharing.
Some really useful tips here. it’s so hard to get seen on social media these days with everyone tring to do the same thing
Yep – it is important to stand out and finding new and fun ways to do that – Thanks, Rachel
You have a wonderful and excellent tips Donna. All beginners and interested in this business must read your article. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
These are such great tips!! One of my main goals for 2017 is to up my social media game a LOT! Love these tips, super helpful! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the valuable information. I must admit I am not (yet) a power user. My problem is that I do have a significant following, however, I do not maximize this to propel my blogs to go further. Thanks for the reminder. I’ll give my social media accounts a review and tap that great resource.
Becoming more of power social influencer would be a dream come true for 2017. First more content and share, share and share. You have so much great informations packed into this post. I need to save this and refer back to it often. Making goals for up coming year.
Very cool to hear, Candy – thank you!
Such great tips! I really need to read more about this because it’s definitely something I don’t know enough about! I love what you’ve come up with here – thank you for sharing!
Thank You, Lynzy – I am grateful that you found it of benefit!
Social media changes so quickly that I wonder just exactly WHAT will be the new thing in 2017. I thought live video was going to be it, but I don’t think so. I still have most engagement on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Great points, Krystal – as bloggers, we really have to stay up with the trends!
You have some great tips listed here for upping my social media game. Social media is my life as a blogger. This is huge for me. I need to up my shares, for sure!
Thank you, Cindy – glad to hear this helps a bit!
Social media is my life and business and I totally agree with your points on this article! I learned some things along the way too. really insightful — thanks!
I too do better on some platforms than others. It’s so much work. Some of it I enjoy and some I don’t. Facebook has me down.
There are so many fantastic ideas in the this post! I have been trying really hard to increase my social media accounts…it’s like a second job!
This is a lot of great tips. This is something I hope to work on during 2017. I have a lot of areas I need to focus on, but it will happen!
These are all really good tips. I have been working on strengthening my Twitter following and creating better relationships. I used to ignore Twitter and the more I read about it, the more I realized how beneficial it is.
Thank you, Cynthia – so glad you found these tips to be good 🙂 And you are so right about Twitter – I used to ignore it the same way and now working on those relationships
Theee are great tips! I need to start utilizing these more.
Great tips! I’ll definitely be using them. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Excellent post. Very helpful tips. Certainly gave me a step by step process to use with my own social media content posting.
Thank you, Andrea – Glad you found these tips helpful 🙂