Got a Business Start Over?

Business-Start-OverNeed a Time Out – Or just a Business Start Over?

We can’t always predict the future, but we do know that if we don’t do anything different than we have been doing, the future won’t look much different than the past.

Want consistent results?

Develop a mindset and belief that you will make it in your endeavors.

Add to that – learning more, practicing and implementing, and being enthusiastic and patient with a strong faith of what is to come.

Oh, did I mention strategy and tactics?

Usually we don’t get what we want because our plan is not clear – 

— Yes…Intuition and strategy work together…

— Strategy is putting you in a direction toward your goal.

–Tactics help you clarify the actions you need to take to get where you are going. 

So is a business start over going to be a strategic plan and tactical actions put into place for you? 

Can you see the opportunities for what they are?

  • Possibilities.

Of setting up a solid plan, strengthening your foundation. Knowing what you need to do next and routinely.

This can bring more solid results faster and easier.

  • Clarity means less overwhelm and we actually spend less money and time as we know our needs and wants.

It is putting together the framework for business start over successes.

  • Planning and working your plan for a business start over success keeps you on track; bringing about confidence in your decisions for continued development and victories.

Knowing what steps you need to take and having clarity can be exciting!

A business start over success then becomes doable.

  • Having a framework that creates a solid foundation, is having a starting point to build upon.

Many of us avoid building a solid foundation, which is putting together a strategic plan. It seems too complex and time consuming. And, often that’s just a short term ‘get by’ effort.

Building a foundation is a stronger, long term solution to a successful business start over.

  • To be great at something, you must first understand what it takes to succeed.
  • It’s making a decision; knowing what you want, creating a plan, knowing what your goals are, and taking action, this is what will guarantee you reach your goals.

…More ways to building your online business…and generating those quality leads… 

Then join other small businesses at our Monthly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

Celene HarrelsonThis is insightful coaching (Inner Circle) for your business, digging in and getting to the roots of the problems with your business and your mindset.” Celene Harrelson


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Donna Ward
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6 thoughts on “Got a Business Start Over?

    • March 16, 2014 at 7:58 am

      Thank you so much Nayna –

  • March 13, 2014 at 11:29 am

    I did a business start over when I came back from maternity leave. I’d taken nine months off and my goals had changed, so I decided that a start over was necessary. It’s really helped me remain focused even now (a couple of years later).
    Alexandria Ingham recently posted..5 Tips for Writing University EssaysMy Profile

    • March 16, 2014 at 7:57 am

      Excellent point, Alexandria – We could take regular start overs in different sections of our business, as it grows and we also change.

  • March 13, 2014 at 11:33 am

    Hi Donna!

    Thank you for this post. As a few time business owner I’ve learned it the hard way how important having a clear strategy for building your business is. There are so many things to do and if you don’t narrow them down to the bare essentials you’ll end up doing a little bit of everything and achieving nothing more than chaos. Thank you for yet another reminder on how important clarity is and how consistent clear action is the only ‘fast track’ there is to success.
    Emma recently posted..How to FULLY express the magnificence of your SpiritMy Profile

    • March 16, 2014 at 7:56 am

      Thank you, Emma and good luck with your own business start over – I do hope to see you here often 🙂

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