Can You Get Astonishing Search Engine Popularity?

search-engine-popularityThere was a time when you only needed…

fabulous SEO copywriting for

amazing search engine popularity.

This was making use of a skill with words that allowed you to place just the right number and type of keywords in just the right places that could be just right for mind-blowing top rankings in the search engine popularity status online.

  • And YES, search engines like Google – Bing – Yahoo (to name a couple) are still keying in on the word patterns your audience is looking for, plus relevant content and the location and frequency of keywords in your content is still a very significant part of your blog and posts.

But, wait, there’s more!

Your ranking position of any particular page on your site is due to what happens off the page, as well, in the form of links you get from other sites – the quality of inbound links.

Along with these ranking influences: 

  • Keyword usage
  • Site structure
  • Site speed
  • Time spent on-site by visitors

And…regarding those inbound links?

  • Most of us have discovered Social Media Marketing as a way to attract links with powerful content and improve our search engine rankings.

So you direct as many visitors to your content as possible.

The goal then is to use more optimization strategies for your site – that’s getting some search engine popularity.

  • In general, this means you make it easier for search engines to crawl, index, and understand your content. 

The best routines, of course, are to optimize your content first of for your audience.

SO….SEO is still a ‘thing’ for your blog posts and websites!

Don’t get into trying to puzzle it because: SEO is doing very well for those that use it!

BUT…First – Let’s make sure you know and understand how to use SEO for your online content marketing.

#1 SEO is what professional online content marketers know is short for ‘search engine optimization and is used in a big way to help your marketing strategy be more successful online.

#2 SEO means you’re improving your online content to be found by search engines organically!

THEN think about this….

Are you a salesperson?

 “The same emotional forces that prompt people to buy can also cause other people to link from blogs, and bookmark, vote, and retweet from social media platforms. The context is different, as are the nuances, but it’s still a matter of providing compelling benefits in the form of content.” by BRIAN CLARK Founder of Copyblogger & Scribe

Search engine popularity is being significant and worthy. It means more than finding a page with the right words.

Today, hundreds of factors influence relevance for you to get search engine popularity on your site…

  • Search engines usually accept that the more popular your site, page, or content – the more valuable the information it contains must be.
  • This means that you have a large amount of user satisfaction with search results as search engines use those mathematical equations (algorithms) to sort and rank in order of quality (popularity).
What is THE Answer to Search Engine Popularity?

Understanding optimization and best practices using some of these ideas and lessons from:

Google is aware of and likes it when you make pages primarily for users, not for search engines.

  • At the same time make it easier for search engines to crawl, index and understand your content.

Submit Your Site To Search Engines

Yahoo-site-submitAlong with optimization, it’s time to submit your site to all major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, etc.)

– How to Submit Your Site to Google  – click >>> 

– Submit Your URL to Bing:

– Submit Your Site to Yahoo:

You have an Internet-savvy audience that are hungry for your content.

In order for them to find you, means you need to do the work to have search engine popularity.

– You’ll be promoting 

Understanding the differences between outbound marketing vs. inbound marketing.

  • What Is Inbound Marketing?

Pull, don’t Push

It’s promoting with a magnet, pulling your audience to you — based on content that attracts and nurtures, not spam that interrupts and irritates.

  • What is Outbound Marketing?

It’s reaching the right person at the right time – based on a very hit-and-miss affair, with the misses outweighing the hits.

– You’ll still be using your writing skills 

Using your content to hook your audience into wanting more,

  • Let them know what you can do to transform their lives and businesses.
  • Helping them make a decision with your call to take action – your optin giveaway to help build your list.

Instead of telling your audience how great you are, you’re sharing with them, and, at the same time, providing something of value for them.

– Have keyword knowledge and use it

Discover the keywords that best represent the voice of your audience and be found when your audience searches for you online.

  • Keywords are the words and phrases that your audience types into Google and other search engines to find what they want on online.

Tip:  Visit and check out customer reviews for information that fits your niche. Remember, this is the exact language people use when they are ready to buy.

Write down the language used to:

  • Describe the problem
  • Critique the solution

– Keep up to date with Google and SEO changes

SEO is when you have your site optimized, including being indexed.

You can check out Google’s algorithm changes with its guidelines for content creation and they offer plenty of great free info.

– Have a passion to keep going

Start Now – be consistent…Your readers need your unique content and are searching just for what you offer!

Optimize and Get Found 

Leading you more and more to search engine popularity for your content and your site.

Have you submitted your sites to the different search engines? Let me know in the comments below. cool

And do let me know what you thought of this post in the comments below!


Because …

List Building With Social Media, blogging, and building your list of contacts is needed if you want a more interactive community! Join in the conversation at our monthly F.ree call Build Your List.

What others are saying…

   “Goodness, SO much to learn about this–far more than I ever realized when I just randomly started a bunch of blogs and haven’t managed until recently to work on consistency! I will have to return to this post a few times to glean more insight. Thanks for sharing! K. Lee Banks recently posted..Morning After Easter-April 6 DevotionsMy Profile

  “Great post Donna, loved it! Valuable content. Exactly what I needed to read.”

Donna! This was a very helpful post. I’m going to look into actually submitting my site to search engines. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. 🙂
Barbara Bianchi recently posted..Jambalaya

Donna Ward
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57 thoughts on “Can You Get Astonishing Search Engine Popularity?

    • April 12, 2015 at 5:38 am

      Thanks Scott – great to have you here!

    • April 12, 2015 at 5:38 am

      That’s great to hear, Stacey – thanks for your comment 🙂

  • April 9, 2015 at 10:01 am

    Donna! This was a very helpful post. I’m going to look into actually submitting my site to search engines. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. 🙂
    Barbara Bianchi recently posted..JambalayaMy Profile

    • April 12, 2015 at 5:39 am

      Great to hear Barbara, and you’re welcome! 🙂 So glad you shared your thoughts 🙂

  • April 9, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    I like your tip about Amazon. You can even take that a bit deeper by searching for “most wished for.”

    One of the first things I do when building out a site is to submit it the search engines. There are tools for that.

    You have given a lot of useful info here and I like that.
    Dawn recently posted..Simple Marketing Impact Tips for Auto RespondersMy Profile

    • April 10, 2015 at 5:42 am

      Thanks a bunch, Dawn – so glad you liked this – and commented 🙂

    • April 12, 2015 at 5:40 am

      Thanks Dawn – hope to see you here again! 🙂

  • April 13, 2015 at 5:44 am

    I have to admit I don’t fully understand SEO so I can’t use it to my advantage. Thanks for sharing this post.

  • April 13, 2015 at 7:05 am

    There is a lot of information inside this post.. We have launched a campaign about 2 months ago and are really needing to implement more to get the word out.

  • April 13, 2015 at 8:56 am

    I just do what I do and hope for the best. I think it helps that I post about a lot of local things, too.

  • April 13, 2015 at 12:06 pm

    I especially enjoyed your thoughts on inbound and outbound marketing. One thing’s for sure, seems like I learn something daily about SEO, etc. Thanks!
    Alli recently posted..Blogging Makes You FatMy Profile

  • April 13, 2015 at 4:46 pm

    This is such a great post. Lots of great tips and information here. I don’t completely understand SEO but I do my best. Thanks for writing this.

  • April 13, 2015 at 4:56 pm

    This is a great post. So much great information for me to think about.

  • April 13, 2015 at 7:38 pm

    I need to get back into SEO, thanks for the peptalk 🙂

  • April 13, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    Omg so much good info in this post!!! I need to use seo more than I do. For awhile my blog was sky rocketing like crazy and now that it’s evened out…. I need new readers to keep numbers going up so I really should apply seo more!

    • April 13, 2015 at 7:55 pm

      Thank you,Courtney – so happy you found it good info! So glad you commented – it’s a constant updating and learning – implementing and keeping it altogether! 🙂

  • April 13, 2015 at 10:33 pm

    Google is constantly evolving. Therefore, it is important to stay in the loop with them, considering people use Google more than any other search engine.
    HilLesha recently posted..Road to Wellness with Organic IndiaMy Profile

  • April 14, 2015 at 4:30 am

    This is wonderful information that you shared. I’m still learning when it comes to keywords so this post is helpful. Thank you!

  • April 14, 2015 at 7:17 am

    I haven’t really paid attention to SEO. I know I need to, but theres just so much it hasn’t been number 1 on my list yet. I have had good luck so far! But I’ll get to it, I know its important.

  • April 14, 2015 at 1:33 pm

    It’s a hard habit to break but until today I keep forgetting about SEO. It really is a work in progress for me, but I do know this is absolutely essential in helping get more views on my post! Thanks for your tips!
    Cara (@StylishGeek) recently posted..First Look at the Apple WatchMy Profile

  • April 14, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    I don’t think I have submitted my URL to Bing. I’m going to do it just in case. Thanks!

  • April 14, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    Another great post Donna. =) I really need to start learning and working on all of this for my blog. I know things could be better for my blog but I’ve got to find the time to do it.

  • April 15, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    Great post, I am still working my way into understanding seo and this post has been very helpful. Thanks

  • April 15, 2015 at 3:31 pm

    Hi Donna,

    Thank you for this most informative post my friend! Learned a lot about SEO and how to get astonishing seo popularity that I did not know, thanks for your value!

    Always learn something when I visit 🙂

    You are so awesome!

    Joan Harrington recently posted..How To Supercharge Your WritingMy Profile

  • April 15, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    My blog does really well in search engines, but this is all great information.

    • April 16, 2015 at 8:00 pm

      Thank you Janet for your note – and glad that you’re blog is doing so well 🙂

  • April 15, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    all of these are excellent tips that we all need to pay attention to. I’m going to pass this on to quite a few people I think.

    • April 16, 2015 at 7:59 pm

      So right, Vera – thank you for your note 🙂

  • April 16, 2015 at 6:13 am

    I never use SEO. There just seems to be too much to it for me to get my head around!

  • April 17, 2015 at 10:06 am

    From all of the writing that I’ve done over the years, I think my brain is just programmed to write search-engine friendly content in an unforced way. I never purposefully go in and insert keywords. I think it’s very interesting to review search engine stats to see the things that grab people’s attention.
    Yona Williams recently posted..Lots of Goodies and Variety are in the #Influenster Refresh #VoxBoxMy Profile

  • April 17, 2015 at 2:09 pm

    The proper marketing of a blog post just doesn’t ever end. Thank you for the tips about trying to get ranked on search!
    Krystal recently posted..First Birthday Party IdeasMy Profile

  • April 17, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Great tips! I normally follow the blog of my boss, Joost, at Yoast because he stays on top of SEO… makes sense, since he does build a WordPress plugin for SEO… lol
    Nile recently posted..Blog Ideas for e-Commerce WebsitesMy Profile

  • April 17, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    SEO can be a pain. I’ve been implementing the lessons I’ve learned though. I think many don’t realize how much goes into this whole blogging thing.
    Camesha recently posted..Kids Style Perfectly BakedMy Profile

    • December 13, 2021 at 3:35 pm

      Thank you so much – glad you enjoyed this post – it seems SEO is noticed only by the serious marketers/bloggers! 😉 Coach Donna

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