Want To Have A Popular Blog?

have-a-popular-blogYou can increase the appeal of your blog posts and have a popular blog.

To have a popular blog you need to get your content noticed.

That means you have to attract your audience.

Using strategies to promote so you can have a popular blog!

One of your tactics will have to be knowing what your readers will consider valuable content.

So you can create something better than average.

Using these tips to have a popular blog can be really helpful.

#1 Google Analytics – Take full advantage of all that is offered.

Take the time to set up and learn how to use Google Analytics. http://www.google.com/analytics/

Including finding out how your site is performing with your visitors, where they are coming from, and what they are reading on your site.

#2 Research and know what your competition is doing.

  • How and what are they doing to promote?
  • How are they similar to your site?
  • What’s different?
  • What’s their success story?
  • What are some of their great ideas that you could model?

#3 Social Media Promotion

You’ll be blogging and posting updates to your Social Media platforms, whatever they are, each time you publish.

Your goal is to:

  • Build Follower Loyalty

Example: I have a large number of followers, and that’s wonderful!

The bigger idea is that I need to be actually engaging with them on a regular basis.

Whenever I answer questions and make comments, I am showing my audience that I am really a personality and it’s shining through. Even as it also helps build authority in my niche.

#4 Blog Comments

Your blog is your communications tool. Your goal is to interact with your readers.


When the WordPress plugin called CommentLuv is installed on the blog you’re commenting on; you can be building links to your post as you comment on other sites. Increasing your post’s search engine rankings.

This will entice more visitors to comment – because their latest blog post can be mention automatically – check it out to install

Include in your own commenting…

==> Be the first and top commentator on other blogs that are similar to your blog, to get more attention for yourself.

These are just 4 tips to help you gain popularity. There are always more.

Just read some of my own blog posts, such as Are There Benefits to Blogging? and  Want to Build a Community Around Your Blog?  You’ll get more of what you need to have a popular blog, as you read more of my tips for you.

But, doing these 4 tips today?

Yes, get it started today! It’s that important.

Needless to say, it will feel so good when you write popular posts for your blog, especially if those posts bring in traffic that leads to conversions!

You can leave a question or comment below in the comments section, you already know I so enjoy that.


If you’re ready to take your blog to a bigger audience, you can do just that as you  learn more about blogging, Social Media, and promoting your blog at the Blogging Mastermind Community <== Click on the words. And, ask me how you can use Social Media better for your Blogging!


Bob Forshay

“Donna is the coach we all wish we had years sooner. She gets it, and gets to it, not for you but WITH you. I love the way Donna walked me through logical progression of my business development planning and was good at helping me hold to my plan. Authentic, genuine and sincere, I enjoy working with Donna.” Bob Forshay

Donna Ward
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7 thoughts on “Want To Have A Popular Blog?

    • December 30, 2014 at 12:45 pm

      Thank you so much Laurel! Glad you stopped by and commented – I am grateful! 🙂

  • December 28, 2014 at 11:22 am

    I aim my posts to two primary types of readers: Christians, and vision-impaired. Sometimes they are both Christian and vision-impaired or simply Christians who want to see how God helps me in my low vision world. Sometimes I post only to my vision-impaired groups and sometimes I post only to Christian groups. I’m not sure how effective I am. In October, I blogged nearly every day and I think I was doing well. Then I started marketing my memoir and because that took so much time, I dropped down to posting once or twice a week. Now I have to build up my readership again, and hopefully, blogging will help me market my books better. Any tips?
    Thanks so much!
    Amy Bovaird recently posted..Jesus, My Perfect Skating PartnerMy Profile

    • December 30, 2014 at 12:45 pm

      Wow – Amy – I have read your blog and have some ideas – It does look like you are growing quickly as far as getting quite a few readers to your site – congrats! Who is your targeted audience? Big hugs 🙂

  • December 28, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    Hi Donna,
    Thanks for great words. I found this on #ultrablog. So much to remember as a new blogger, I forgot the value on commenting where there’s comment luv, and I never knew the importance of commenting first. I will try and follow.

    • December 30, 2014 at 11:09 am

      Super fun, Janice – so glad you found this of help!

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