Your motivation and efforts are the keys that help you get through the challenges as you take the steps toward your future desires in your business and life.
Sometimes it’s just an excuse is what is stopping us. So we keep putting off what we want. And, go to the next shiny object to get more lessons on what we already know we can be doing. As our business sits and waits to be shared.
You can reach your future desires in 5 steps…
- Make the plan.
- Write out the goals within the plan.
- Write out the steps to reach the goals.
- Implement the steps you need to take to move you forward.
- Adjust as you go.
Your successes are waiting for you to start. And, your desire is just around the corner. It’s you making the decision to get there.
Once you know what it is you want to accomplish, focus on that as your priority. Then you are ready to start implementing and moving forward to your successes. Seeing the results are the rewards of your focus.
– When you put time and energy into making your goals a reality, is when you start working on reaching your future desires.
- Putting together the action steps you need to get there.
It’s all step by step.
– As success comes, you move from old patterns, breaking into the new and unknown.
- Focusing on the results – where it is your want to go.
- And, asking yourself if your old habits and routines are giving you the best return on your time and work you’ve put into them.
– You have a greatness in you that can shine through.
And…You have to make the efforts for shining your own star. Goal setting is doing the work of shining your own star.
- Keep your goals on top of your mind. Print them out and display them where you can see them as soon as you, say, walk into your office.
- Your star will start shining when you know what you need to do daily to reach your vision.
Once you know what you want…you’re action steps will come about. Because you will start with a smaller target and work on achieving it.
- Go after your desires.
- Get your plan,
- Your goals, and
- The steps together.
Then do it with gusto and break away from unproductive habits.
Goal setting is an important tool you can use now to keep motivated and productive.
Your goals are setting up the vision of what your future will be like. What kind of future do you want to create?
How do You plan to reach your future desires? Make a comment below and let me know!
For help with understanding how to reach your future desires in your business, you can ask about the strategies you need to take…Get started, stay on your path, and keep going strong. The foundation of your business are your leads, your contacts…Want to learn more about Build Your Business, Build Your List? Ask me how I added over 1000 new subscribers to my list in just 4 months…
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“One of the things that’s been very difficult has been to see what it looks like to bring someone onto my team, all the steps involved – now I have more of a mental picture of what that would look like after our conversation. And know why it’s important to take steps that have proven successful. It feel like it’s more possible. ” Sue Mandell
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Great post, to remind me of keeping to my goals. Last year was a procrastinating year where I kept starting and leaving projects. I was aimless. This year I made a firm plan and so far I am complying 100%. What a difference. I sometimes have problems with believing/faith. I am getting day by day better at it. My phrase for 2014: Believe and Succeed.
Thank you for a great post.
Liliana Marsden recently posted..Product launch – Build Potential Customer Interest
Thank you Liliana, Love your phrase for 2014….Believe and Succeed! I look forward to hearing updates from you – so very glad you stopped by!
Wonderful reminders about the steps to setting goals. Having set many goals – yet not reaching all of them – I found that the one thing I needed to help me reach what I set out to do is to BELIEVE in myself.
Eydie recently posted..2014’s Hottest Marketing Tool: Content, Content, and more Content
Great to see you here Eydie – yep we need to polish our own stars more often – Thank you for stopping by 🙂
What a great reminder that I need to PLAN for success.
Just recently, I decided I need to limit the time spent on the computer. While I was learning new things, I think it just took too much time out of my day. I think I may need to sit down and re-evaluate how I am going to work towards my goal. Thanks!
Wendy recently posted..To do lists
That’s great news, Wendy! I am excited for you – and would enjoy hearing about your actions. Thank you so much for stopping by 🙂