Can You Generate Leads Using LinkedIn?

LinkedInIs LinkedIn Right for Your Business?

On any Social Media site, as a business person, your goal is to connect with prospective clients and to make them aware of your work, experience, and what you offer. It’s positioning yourself and is very useful in letting others know what you do. Learning to use LinkedIn is getting to know another Social Media site’s personality.

  • If you’re on LinkedIn for your business, you’ve probably noticed that it has a more formal feeling than say Facebook. In other words, you really don’t see others talking about their vacations, or that they just purchased a new car, like you would see on your Facebook profile pages.

So can you generate leads for your business using LinkedIn?

Yes, you can!

1. Using LinkedIn is more like a networking group.

  • You’ll be building relationships and inviting them to your online site to get to know you better and for more information.

– You can ask a question and post it in groups, start a discussion.

2. I think you’ll find that sharing resources and ideas is well worth the time investment.

Once or twice a week  post a blog article in groups.  Along, with a conversational question or note daily.

  • And,  see if you can be responding to “Questions and Answers”. This can help to educate you about the people in the group, and you can share your knowledge with others. Each time you answer a question, the information is posted to your profile allowing others to see your insight and style.

3. Asking for a recommendation is easy.

You have the option to post the recommendation, or not, in your profile. If you decide to use the recommendation off the LinkedIn site, you might ask the author for approval.

  • And, what a great way to build your authority and testimonials, for your services and products.

4. Spend about 15 minutes each day on LinkedIn.

Add new connections by reviewing connections of your own connections, and looking for common ground to connect with new people.

Sounds like it’s all about connecting, right? After all, that’s what building your business is about.

5. When a possible customer contacts you through LinkedIn…

Make sure to invite them to connect with your Facebook Business page, where you can get to know them even better.

Go ahead and send them a gift.

  • Like a report, audio, or video about your work. Something that you think they would find of benefit to them.

There are a lot of new tools being added to the LinkedIn toolbox all the time. One resource is It’s packed with tutorials you can use to supercharge your LinkedIn use and find out if LinkedIn is right for your business.

Good luck. And keep me posted on your progress!

Example of a LinkedIn Recommendation:

Rodney hired you as a Business Consultant in 2011-12 and hired you more than once

Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity

“Donna Ward is an insightful and direct Business Coach. If you want to know how to get more clients fast then Donna is your go to person. She makes complicated processes simple and easy to implement. Her immense knowledge allows her to get right to the root issue. I strongly recommend you consider Donna if growing your business is a priority.”  Rodney Rich

…More ways to building your online business… 

Then join other small businesses at our Weekly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

Donna Ward
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8 thoughts on “Can You Generate Leads Using LinkedIn?

  • November 12, 2013 at 8:56 am

    I appreciated your post and learned valuable information from it. I’ve pretty much ignored LinkedIn, even though I have an account. I felt like it was pretty useless for the most part. After reading your blog about it I see that there are benefits to keeping up my profile and contacts. Thanks for the sound advice.
    Tracy recently posted..Using the KISS Principle to Reduce Holiday StressMy Profile

    • November 12, 2013 at 11:02 am

      You are so welcome, Tracy – I hope to hear what you are doing and any successes you have from LinkedIn now – 🙂

    • November 12, 2013 at 11:02 am

      Hey Andrea, Thank you – and there is not secret to this, is right! Hope to see you here again 🙂

  • November 12, 2013 at 9:21 am

    Wonderful tips!! Thank you for posting. LinkedIn is so different than Facebook and Twitter and some people don’t utilize it as it should be. I will be using it more now that you have given me more ideas to work with. Thank you again! 🙂
    Tami Principe recently posted..My Books – OrdersMy Profile

    • November 12, 2013 at 11:01 am

      Thank you so much for stopping by Tami – and send me a note if you have more questions – I have been growing my list monthly from Linkedin! I love it! 🙂

    • November 12, 2013 at 11:00 am

      Thank you, Jason – You are so right – and Twitter is very different again! So glad to have you here 🙂

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