Do You Want A Lucrative Income?

Earn a Lucartive IncomeDo you have a message to share?

And, are you working hard and earning a lucrative income?

Your greatest desire, for your business, is to share what you do and what you have to offer. Who doesn’t want to do that, right?

But, in business you have to step out into the ‘real world’ of marketing and selling.

Things likes…

1.    Bringing your passion to reality.

Your authentic passion can be attractive and reveal your commitment with real enthusiasm. And this is what makes your business more real to you and your customers…

  • Being able to express your passion and being true to your personality and values is what will bring your genuine passion shining through and flowing through to how you communicate with potential customers.

This is part of your strategy, a way to differentiate your business from all the other
businesses that claim to do the same thing.

2.    Having a plan.

Change, challenge, and uncertainty will always be around, but when you know where you want to go, you have a plan, and you follow the plan.

  • Your plan can be adjusted to as you go and done properly, your plan will be a good way of testing reality.

Your plan helps you dream with self-control.

3.    Getting more training and using your expertise.

While you may really love relying on your experience and business abilities to build your own business…

  • The small business world of marketing and sales is constantly changing and advancing. Making it easier for small businesses to compete. New skills are constantly required to simply keep up. But if you’re NOT growing quickly…it’s like you sticking your head in the sand…you’ll pull it out one day to find you’ve fallen behind.
  • Because, if you’re not learning and doing, you’re falling behind.

Ok – so you have passion, a plan, maybe some coaching and training. You’re focused, willing to take great risks to grow and change for success,  and now are ready to put your time, sweat, and tears into your business.

4.    Now you HAVE to be willing to work hard, consistently.

Which means systems and routines. And, with hard work comes results.

  • And, being in business means you work consistently on your lead conversion and  sales process.

Because, what good is list building, and your leads if they aren’t converted into sales, repeat business and referrals?

5.    Don’t take no for an answer.

Find a way to make success happen. Persistence.

Being a successful business person is being able to show up in ways that are unfamiliar to you, and not letting stress dominate and take over.

It is taking the steps to stay out of overwhelm and sharing your message so that you can earn that lucrative income.

…More ways to building your online business… 

Then join other small businesses at our Weekly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

SeaJai“The first 2 weeks in this coaching group – I have beem learning about growing my business and stepping out of my comfort zone – going out and meeting people and being able to talk to people better – making phone calls (had phone phobia) – writing down and making deadlines and reaching them – I am feeling more comfortable in how people are perceiving me.”


Donna Ward
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2 thoughts on “Do You Want A Lucrative Income?

    • November 11, 2013 at 11:12 am

      Thank you, again, Jason – You are just so right about not grasping the concepts at first – but, it does come if you practice what you learned! 🙂 I’ll be heading over to your site to see what’s new! 🙂

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