Good Business Ideas

Good Business IdeasHere are 4 good business ideas:

1. Turn up your visibility.

It used to be that one email might have received a note back from your client.

  • Yet, I have always found a need to pick up the phone and build a relationship.

—  Instead of just one follow-up call, I suggest a routine of calling monthly, or every other month, to find out where your client is in their thinking.

If your business is slowing down, make use of the extra time and make sure those contacts know you are there to help them.

2. Become a business necessity for your clients.

How can you help your clients solve their problems and save money, cut expenses, or work more efficiently?

  • Will your services help them gain more customers, increase their income, or experience less stress?
  • Tell your prospects exactly why they need you..

3. Look at partnership possibilities.

I love working with a partner. Especially on tele-seminars – it is a win-win and can create more opportunities for both of us.

  • We market to both our lists and we both become more visible.

4. Be consistent.

Consistent marketing through touch points (calling, emails, direct mail, presentations).

  • Keep your name in front of your clients, and on their mind.

Your goal is, always, for others to get to know you and your products / services you offer.

A good business idea always involves getting new clients and turning them into raving fans. And, does not just mean more marketing, but more strategic marketing.

So get inspired by challenging yourself to reach the number of prospects you need to get the number of clients you need to meet your income goals.

  • When prospects say, “not now,” put together a proposal that offers a ‘get-acquainted offer.’ Once your prospective client sees your work, they’ll be much more inclined to spend .

Now come up with more good business ideas.

  • Be sure to use these 4 good business ideas turning them into more income for your business.

For the successful independent professional, there are always challenges. You can do this!

Donna Ward
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3 thoughts on “

Good Business Ideas

  • March 13, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    Good read

  • March 13, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    Good Read!

    • March 14, 2012 at 9:54 am

      Thank you so much, Victoria – It’s wonderful to read your comments here!

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