Use WordPress To Attract Your Ideal Customer

By Guest Blogger –  Celene Harrelson

Did you know if you don’t use WordPress your competition may have a tremendous advantage over you to attract your ideal customers and clients to them? I know, right! The good news is if you use WordPress, the tables could be turned in your favor and their clients could be finding you.

You’re probably thinking “How the heck does that work? How much difference could a blogging platform make?” Well, a lot actually. WordPress was designed to be a search engine magnet. Google loves WordPress. When you use the SEO within WordPress properly, you should get a substantial amount of organic traffic.

Organic search results are listings on search engine pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms typed into the Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. search bar, as opposed to the paid advertisements. Organic traffic is the result of the link in those organic listings being “clicked on”, sending prospects to that site from the link in listing.

Why is that significant? First and foremost, because it’s traffic you don’t have to pay for. Free is good! Also because it is targeted traffic. These are people who typed in an exact phrase relevant to your site. Basically that means they are likely interested in what you do. That’s huge!

Because it’s so easy to learn and use WordPress with it’s search engine friendly design, WordPress has become the industry standard. From small business to huge conglomerates, WordPress is the “content management system” of choice. Whether you need a simple blog or an all-out website, WordPress fits the bill. Businesses like eBay, Yahoo, Ford, People Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Sony just to name a few use WordPress. So if WordPress can handle their needs, it can certainly do
anything you can throw at it.

Don’t be scared off by the big names either. The reason so many big companies have switched to WordPress is because of how easy and non-techy it is. Rather than employing huge costly departments of programmers and technical geeks, it just takes 1 or 2 people with a little WordPress training to get the job done! Amazing isn’t it? Let’s talk a little about WordPress SEO, shall we?

WordPress was developed to automatically “ping” or alert search engines to come take a look when you add new content. That’s a biggie! The trick is to optimize your site with the right keywords so when the spiders come a-crawlin’ they find content relevant to your site. That’s why it’s so important to choose your topics and keywords related to your niche. If you are all over the map with your topics, then the search engines will not work in your favor.

Here are a few easy SEO strategies to help you to get more organic traffic.

  • Use Google Keyword Tool External for keyword research. This is a free easy to use tool that will tell you exactly how many people searched for your keywords in the past 30 days.
  • Use your sites main keywords in the URL if possible
  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to “Settings, then “General Settings”. Put your main keywords in the “Site Title” bar.  This is the first thing Google crawls when coming to your site. Right to left, so put them in order of importance.
  • Just under the Site Title bar is the “Tagline” – put secondary keywords there. This is the second place Google crawls.
  • Install the “WordPress Seo” by Yoast plugin. This will help you to identify where you need to put your keywords in your blog posts. This plug in was designed to look at your post the way a search engine does and make sure all the key SEO components are there. I love this plugin.
  • Google can’t see images.  Be sure to use you main keyword as the title of your image. This is just one more trick to get your keywords in there, creating more relevancy. You’ll do this when you are uploading your image to the media library.
  • Always use the appropriate “category” and be sure to use your keywords in the “tags” as well.

It’s important not to “stuff” your articles with keywords. The search engines pick up on that and you lose credibility. Instead, sprinkle them in and use these strategies and you will soon be getting all kinds of targeted organic traffic.

Good SEO will get them to your site; it’s up to you to build the relationship that will convert them into clients and customers.



Celene Harrelson helps you minimize your anxieties over technology and marketing by teaching you to use WordPress and the marketing strategies that will drive free traffic to your website and build your internet business. Celene also publishes The Happypreneur Newsletter.  This FREE inbox magazine is the #1 resource for Work at Home Moms and Internet Entrepreneurs.


Donna Ward
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