5 Blogging Tips I Use

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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Blog TipsI really like to write – but sometimes blogging can be tough and the more I blog, it feels like I’ve just run out of ideas for my newest blog post – or article for that matter.

When you write for your blog, your goal is to get your ideal customer’s attention,  creating engagement.

You have the technology, the business skills, now share what you know. And, if you don’t have the knowledge, get it and share it with your ideal customers.

Take a look at some of these blogging tips – print this out and post it near your computer to give yourself some blogging advice!

1. Read Within Your Niche
Subscribe to blogs and websites within your niche. Search for articles that others have written – not to copy, but to inspire.

2. Re-purpose Your Writing
Use your old articles that you submitted and update them for your blog post. And, know that if your article was say 500 words – you may expand that and have 2 blog posts. The blog posts industry accepted standard is 250-600 words. Mine usually run between 300-500 words. Read more