Got Underrated Business Strategies Online?

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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commong things well heinzYour business could be the ‘best kept’ secret on the mountain, or the Internet in this case!

Because of not paying attention to these underrated business strategies online.

The importance of directed business strategies online, means that even the being best business coach, trainer, masseuse, doctor, writer, etc…would be of little use without good strategic planning skills.

What are some underrated business strategies online? So glad you asked!

Point #1 The increasing power of online methods for your business means that visuals and imagery are not overlooked. Read more

Heart Centered Entrepreneurs Need a Revealed Path?

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Social Media Manager, Blog Consultant and Trainer at Ask Coach Donna
Social media training and promotion for entrepreneurs, professionals, and business bloggers.
Certified Business Coach, Intuitive Strategist ~ As a Social Media Manager and Coach, I do the work for you and/or train corporations and small businesses how to set up their blog and a Social Media Marketing Plan around their blog/website as their business hub. As a Social Media Marketing Expert, I teach Relationship Marketing and Social Media Mastery, consulting and speaking services for corporate, business owners, and conscious entrepreneurs around the globe!
Donna Ward
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heart-centered-entrepreneursBeing heart centered entrepreneurs? Well, it’s about combining your heart and soul, into your marketing. 

You’re celebrating your authenticity in business even as you connect with your ideal clients.

Your path then is…

That you will be aware and consistent in your own heart centered real self when you are marketing and SHOW UP and CONNECT with people building those real and genuine relationships.

Heart centered entrepreneurs are about PUTTING your real self, heart and soul, into your work.    Read more