Heart Centered Entrepreneurs Need a Revealed Path?

heart-centered-entrepreneursBeing heart centered entrepreneurs? Well, it’s about combining your heart and soul, into your marketing. 

You’re celebrating your authenticity in business even as you connect with your ideal clients.

Your path then is…

That you will be aware and consistent in your own heart centered real self when you are marketing and SHOW UP and CONNECT with people building those real and genuine relationships.

Heart centered entrepreneurs are about PUTTING your real self, heart and soul, into your work.   

For many it’s about building a business helping others with the knowledge, understanding, and perceptions you’ve collected.

==> Now you want to share your skills and abilities to be of service to others.

Taking a revealed path in business, is allowing and accepting this…

==> Knowing that your business goals and outcomes are revealed rather than chosen as your path is discovered step-by-step.

Life, business, and responsibilities are all part of your journey to becoming better at what you do and how you become OUTSTANDING!

Your revealed path…is yours to have fun with as you discover and uncover with boldness!

As savvy heart centered entrepreneurs, you’re bold in being a pioneer and finding what’s holding you back from the successes and goals you’re trying to reach.

–      Do you ever find yourself thinking ‘I just don’t have time’ to promote my blog, or to make those 5 calls a day to people I met networking, etc.

This would be a great example of limiting yourself to reaching your goals, the successes that you want. And, stepping off your path. But…

Your excuses, like mine, may be resistance, or rebellion…after all you aren’t working for a ‘boss’. Your timetable is yours now.

If you’re a heart-centered entrepreneur, then you like doing things your way.

Being a rebel is part of heart centered entrepreneurs and finding your revealed path can be a rare reality.

Discovering your revealed path is realizing your dreams and…

Your own killer strategy then, is to focus, act, and implement your knowledge as you are being bold in letting go of the results…

Being bold is a part of your path to success.

Having a healthy relationship with the aspects of your path then, will reveal your path Like No Other

You can walk your path towards having a thriving business and life of abundance, even as it’s being revealed!

Want to learn more about Building Your Email List and Your Business? <== Click on the words. And, ask me how I added over 1000 new subscribers to my list in just 4 months…

…More ways to grow your business…and generate those quality leads… 

Then join other online small businesses at our monthly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

“Donna! You’re so good at giving nice clear instructions on what to do next. Always lots of bonus info too! Thanks. I’m looking forward to the next one and trying to push myself to follow through.” Kathleen Swiderski

Donna Ward
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10 thoughts on “Heart Centered Entrepreneurs Need a Revealed Path?

  • July 29, 2014 at 10:36 am

    Hi Donna, I love this blog post. It totally speaks to me, especially the part about feeling like there’s no time to promote my blog and reach out to 5 people I met while networking. Sigh. Great intuition here – thanks for getting us!
    Margit Crane (@GiftedWithADD) recently posted..When Your ADHD Brain is Running on EmptyMy Profile

    • July 30, 2014 at 8:12 am

      Fabulous, Margit – I am so glad this spoke directly to you! I knew when I added a few bits of info in there, it was for someone specifically! YAY 🙂 Thank you for your note!

    • July 30, 2014 at 8:10 am

      Sounds perfectly up your alley, Kathy – thank you!

  • July 29, 2014 at 11:15 am

    Thanks for all the positive thoughts. I’ve never been a business minded person but I’ve been thinking about pursing it lately and this definitely helps 🙂
    Salma recently posted..No Mommy GuiltMy Profile

    • July 30, 2014 at 8:10 am

      Salma – so glad to hear that – I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on ‘pursing it’! 🙂 So glad you stopped by and commented 🙂

  • July 29, 2014 at 12:12 pm

    Thanks for another great post! It’s interesting, too, because I’ve always felt like I put my heart and soul into what I do (both as a writer and as a creator of customized products), and yet, not everybody understands or supports that notion. Funny, too, that I’ve recently co-authored a book with someone on a related topic about heart-centered learning! Thanks again for sharing!
    K. Lee Banks recently posted..A Detour, A Thunderstorm, and An AnnouncementMy Profile

    • July 30, 2014 at 8:09 am

      Thanks, K. Lee, It is interesting when synchronicity steps in and leads you – I hope to see more of you – big hugs, 🙂

    • July 31, 2014 at 2:28 pm

      Thanks, so much, for stopping by, Sophie!

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