Finding Your Purpose

If being truly happy, healthy, and abundant is your desire, then finding your purpose and having a lifestyle is vital.

Although defining and knowing how to find your purpose in life is one of the most important things we will ever do. Surprisingly few people go through the reflection process necessary to truly come to terms with this question.

— What are you here for in a grand way to do or be in life and / or business?

With this purpose in hand, you can successfully avoid activity traps and stay focused on

productive efforts that move you toward how to find your purpose and vision.


Here is a simple exercise to help in finding your purpose. It will only take you a couple minutes to do.

  • Grab a piece of paper and draw down a line in the middle of the paper. On the left, write down 5 things that are most important to you (order does not matter).


  • Now on the right side, write down 5 activities you spend most of your time doing (order does not matter).



Now look at that list you’ve just made and how far out of alignment they are. Can you see how some of your values are not aligned with your major activities? The things you spend most of the time doing are not the things most important to you in life, or not connected. It’s like they look like two different lists from two different people.

In other words, you are not using your time efficiently because you are doing things that are not important to you.

Realizing how unaligned your actions are with your values can change your life around and things can start to move in great ways for you. When you are in alignment, the strength of your will naturally increases. You will have the will power to succeed … the will to live your life to its fullest!

Get clear on your purpose.

If you are not clear on yours yet, know that clarity will come with time. As you begin to shift to a lifestyle and get yourself into alignment, you will have more time to realize your purpose.

There is a pragmatic reasoning for this exercise:

  • The purpose of time management and getting more done in less time is to enable you to spend more face time with the people you care about and doing the things that give you the greatest amount of joy in life. Brian Tracy

When you are not aligned, you are wasting your time and robbing yourself of energy that could have been channeled more usefully. And, finding your purpose will become more and more elusive.

You may really enjoy reading more on “Business Purpose in 3 Steps” at:

Donna Ward
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2 thoughts on “

Finding Your Purpose

    • February 23, 2012 at 3:15 pm

      Thank you so very much Adela!

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