Do You Have Doubts?

Do you have doubts in businessDo you have doubts about your business? 

That is, are you committed to your passion, purpose, vision and have inspired actions. Or are you stumbling along?

Building a business is hard work.

I write and teach a lot about strategies and taking actions. However, putting soul into your business brings about the best of worlds. Does your business have soul?

  • Let’s think about the ‘soul’ in your business.

When you make a decision to become an entrepreneur, you find that every weakness and flaw you have will poke its head out. Which is irritating and great at the same time. Because that’s what helps it get better for you and your business. As an entrepreneur your own issues, and personal life, are always a part of your business, in sometimes unexpected ways.

  • The hard part is allowing these imperfections to surface and be willing to see what’s going on. And, clear out the ‘junk in the trunk’.

Because these beliefs that are keeping you stuck seem to work their way into becoming doubts.

Transforming your business is bringing about your purpose, vision and inspired actions.

  • Yes building a business is hard work – inner and outer work.

Your doubts can be a big issue in making your business harder work.

No challenging your doubts, can be holding you back, no matter what successes you’ve had.

Yet, your commitment is your ally and will help you become stronger than your doubts…You can wildly succeed in business and life when you’ve worked through your doubts and find the soul in your business!

–          This is where your decision making needs to take over your thinking.

Which means, having your action steps in place, focused and ready for success. Then your decision making has already started taking over – your intention is in place.

Doubts can become a moment of the past as you stay focused and take actions.

–          These are the fundamental tools needed to be unstoppable in your business success…

Knowing what you want and putting your desires into action for your business is the process to gain clarity in your decision making and your steps to success…

  • Understand your passion, vision and purpose.
  • Determine your enthusiastic actions for business success and stay focused.
  • Allow your business to have soul and be different, more powerful…With the intent to succeed.

What is the soul of your business, then?

–          It is what resides in the center of all that you are doing with your business passion, purpose, vision, and inspired actions.

So lose those doubts and start growing.

You can build your business more confidently… Get started and keep going strong. The foundation of your business…

…More ways to building your online business… 

Then join other small businesses at our Weekly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

“The information you give is priceless –I like how you broke down the steps – but if I have to make up my own steps it takes time. We know it’s our business and work – but, when you say step one through 5 I get it!  My ah-ha moment – was with the plan – a road map – having it planned out – it is like creating how many miles we’ll cover on a trip, when we are going to have lunches – and this is how I’m seeing this business plan – it’s a road map , it may change along the way and that’s OK.” Patty Davis  Owner at Z Sisters 

Donna Ward
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4 thoughts on “Do You Have Doubts?

  • November 29, 2013 at 6:25 pm

    Building a business is hard work. Unfortunately, we are living in a society guided by a microwave mentality. Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes easily.

    • November 30, 2013 at 6:45 am

      Thank you, Bill – Yep we have to sometimes grow into being the best we can be 🙂

    • November 30, 2013 at 6:44 am

      Thank you Katherine 🙂

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