Can You Build a Small Business Audience?

Build a Small Business AudienceEvery small business relies on an audience.

A small, local business relies on new and repeat customers to walk into their store. They build up a customer ‘list’ and fans. Hoping that those customers will tell others about their store. Widening their audience reach.

Today, the Internet presents a huge opportunity for small businesses to grow their list of possible customers. Building an online community, their audience, which is giving them access to be able to share their services and products.

Having more sites to post to with so many Social Media real estate online, is an essential way to grow your small business.

As your site is linked to other relevant sites, your light shines even more. More people and search engines have the opportunity of seeing you in more places.

  • This is just the start of how to build links back to your online site for SEO and traffic and stand a chance for your online site to be found, and build more of an audience for your small business.

Google loves it when you post your work all over the web. And Google loves it even more when you play with their own toys…like Google+ and YouTube.

–      Search Engine optimization means you need to have quality content, on a consistent basis, on a consistent topic. If you want to be seen as the expert online, and get Google’s attention? You need to show up everywhere. As, you become the ‘Expert’, the one who must know what they’re talking about.

This is an awesome and easy way to get your content more visibility.

You want your business to have more online real estate?

–      There are over a hundred sites that you can be posting your blog and website info to automatically.

Google ranks your site higher when you post and have a residence at more relevant online sites. They are looking at where else you’re showing up. Google is ranking you also on how often you show up in other relevant online locations.

This is your store expanding its online real estate…

Set up, join and post your information and content to these sites:

  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • StumbleUpon
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

Once you have your ‘mini’ blog sites set up…You can have a process and system that will also post from your main site to these ‘mini’ sites.

This is a tremendous amount of online real estate power for your blog to be seen and ranked. Raising you and leveraging you as the go-to person in your industry, just because you are being seen in more relevant places consistently.

…More ways to building your online business… 

Then join other small businesses at our Weekly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

I asked Jewels Gardner what she attributed to her business doubling. “More persistent hard work, being all in and stepping it up. I feel like I want to make a difference in my life and others. I am learning a lot from Coach Donna. Things are coming together. It has a lot to do with coaching. Prior to coaching I didn’t feel like I was invested in my business as much as I could have been. Coach Donna has given me a kick in the pants so to say and it is great!” 

Donna Ward
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