Want to Create a Competitive Advantage?

Create Competitive AdvantageBuilding your small business successes means that you cannot overlook the facts of developing a strategy for success and your unique message.

When you understand the importance of strategic planning, you can start to create a competitive advantage in the market. Then, you can make sure you have a distinctive and irresistible message to pull your ideal clients in.

So what’s your game plan?

Step 1 is the enthusiastic launch of your business. It’s when you’ve decided on your service/products, a brand, and business name.

–         But, did you put off defining a workable strategy that sets you apart from your competition?

  • As a business person, do you tend to be a person of action?

Entrepreneurs often find the process of developing a strategy dull and, well, just something they’ll deal with when they absolutely have to. Feeling they can always try out several approaches, and see what works.

Without a plan of action, however, it’s just luck. And, yes sometimes you may get lucky, right?

Without a plan for your own authentic way for differentiating yourself from a pack of similar competitors, the best you can hope for is mediocrity in the marketplace.

And, that might be OK, if your plan is to be a part timer in your business.

Step 2 is being the expert – It’s a beacon for people.

You really need to develop and clarify your marketing message to pull people to you.

  • When you refine your services and offerings ~ and really begin to understand and know your ideal clients and their needs, you’ll be able to side step competition by being the expert.

Think of your marketing message as not only telling your audience what you do, but also persuading them that you’re the best at what you do.

The key to developing a marketing message is a well thought out strategy. For a message to be compelling, it must be highly focused.

To make your message compelling, persuasive, and show that you are the expert, include:

–         Who you love to serve;

–         What are the frustrations of your ideal clients;

–         Why you are the only “business”, the expert, that can solve their problems;

–         How the benefits you offer will transform them or their business.

Now you have the starting points to create a competitive advantage in the market.

You can start getting some competitive advantage in place and ask how at my weekly Free Open Forum Q&A…Save your spot at…Easiest Way to learn Online Marketing – Fr.ee call

…More ways to building your online business… 

Then join other small businesses at our Weekly no-cost Open Forum live Q&A call at==> Tired of working too hard to build your list?

Bob Forshay“Donna, this is perfect. Idea sharing, collaborative, refreshing, and accountability in a group for progress.  Thanks for taking us on a better path. I know that I am getting more client traction because of working with you! Before your coaching, my client action was not much, now I am finally seeing a lot more client actions and revenues. My revenue has actually doubled each year while working with you!” Bob Forshay


Donna Ward
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6 thoughts on “Want to Create a Competitive Advantage?

  • November 15, 2013 at 9:25 am

    I have such a hard time with things like this. They sound good. But especially when I was diagnosed with cancer, a lot of things went out the window. So much of our lives these days cannot be lived for those who might not have time. We live in a world that is always spending time planning, sometimes more times planning than actually doing.

    This is not to say what you have written is not likely to be helpful for some. It is just that I just got done with a 5,000+ mile trip that was “planned” in about a 7-10 days and had little forethought for what would happen when, and things were always changing. While it may seem that it has nothing to do with “real” life, I think it has everything to do with it. And as I go forward, I am going to see what I can do to keep working with the lessons I learned.

    Thanks for the “invitation” to visit, and I hope you are having an incredibly wonderful day!
    Elizabeth recently posted..Would you do this?My Profile

    • November 15, 2013 at 6:30 pm

      Thank you – Elizabeth – I agree that plans can change constantly – and that’s great – but, if I don’t plan what I would like to do – I forget about doing it. So to move forward in business, can’t be a hop-scotch effort, and starting over if you step out of the box. It is planning what boxes to hop in and changing as needed. I hope to see you here, again – and hope your day is blessed 🙂

    • November 16, 2013 at 6:20 am

      Hey Jason, Yes learning to become an expert does involve training, and getting out there and understanding that training. So great to see you back – thank you!

  • November 16, 2013 at 4:07 pm

    Hi Donna,

    Great point about having a Game Plan. Far too many people go into business with enthusiasm only to find out that there are LOTS of other areas of the business that needed to look after. This can be overwhelming. Having a crystal clear plan of action means that we can constantly check our business progress.

    Yes, life will get into the way as mentioned by Elizabeth. We all have our own priorities in life. If business success is on top of the list, it makes perfect sense to focus the energy and efforts in developing our expertise. Let the world know. Quality leaders attract quality customers, clients and business partners.

    Thanks for your insights, Donna!

    Viola Tam – The Business Mum
    Viola Tam recently posted..MLM Success Tips – The Online & Offline DilemmaMy Profile

    • November 17, 2013 at 7:28 am

      Thank you so much for stopping by, Viola – And, your thoughts are right on – If we have the intention, like a passion, we will find the way to make our business successful, yes…and we sure can save a lot of time and frustration when we have our plan to follow the steps to success.

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