Business Luck

Why do some people have business luck and lead happy successful lives while others face repeated failure?

  • So what is the recipe for business luck?

    Business Luck
    Business Luck

Studies by Richard Wiseman show that people miss opportunities when they don’t expect to find them.

  1. People who have business luck – have a wide network of friends, which maximizes their chances and opportunities because they tell everyone about their goals and people love to help passionate people.
  2. Lucky people expect to be lucky. Business luck is the same; expect to have business luck – and blessings!
  3. Lucky people know what they want, have clear goals and look for success and luck in unexpected places all the time.
  4. Lucky people find opportunity in adversity, which makes them more resourceful in dealing with it: “When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.” – “When you have a car accident, the other driver you meet might present you with your next big business opportunity.”
  5. Lucky people have flexibility, adaptability and can change their attitudes and behavior in new circumstances.
  6. Lucky people are relaxed, they live in the Now and follow their intuition. They have reached a higher level of spiritual wisdom. Often without even realizing this.
  7. Lucky people are fast acting when opportunities present themselves and can change their current direction for a better one easily.

Inside of every person is an internal compass placed by God and waiting to be discovered and used in extraordinary ways.

 But you have to start becoming aware of this compass.

And, once you start exploring your luck, you will start to wonder where it comes from to begin with. It is reading between the lines and understanding what is not there to see.

And always know the reality is – that parts of finding your business luck, building your dream business, will be difficult and will raise issues about yourself.

And, this is when you let go and have faith. Faith that luck, good things, will be brought into your path. It is your job to see it and take care of the opportunities presented.

You will find new skills and fresh ways of perceiving life.

Focus on what you want and that reality will come for the best of all concerned.

Business luck comes to the prepared person.

So, get yourself prepared – starting now.

You may also enjoy reading: Steps to Wealth

Donna Ward
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